aCCOUNTS receivables/purchase order financing programs
From Rainstar Capital Group
Rainstar Capital Group has developed a diverse platform of lending solutions for clients with Factoring and Purchase Order Financing requests. With an in house lending advisory platform backed by funding relationships with numerous partner lenders, Rainstar Capital Group is well positioned to assist you in financing your Accounts Recievables and Purchase Order request.
Please review the presentations below to learn about Rainstar Capital Group's ABL Lending Platform:
For Rainstar Capital Group to process your purchase order, invoice, or accounts recievable financing request we will need the following documentation:
Signed application (DocuSign - Click Here)
Credit report
A/R & A/P Aging report
Debt schedule
Articles of Incorporation
Previous 2 years biz tax returns and YTD P&L/Balance Sheet
*Other documents may be requested depending upon amount needed
Signed application (DocuSign - Click Here)
Credit report
Articles of incorporation
Purchase order(s)
Pro-forma invoice from vendor
*Other documents may be requested depending upon amount needed
* Rainstar Capital Group makes no claim as to the accuracy of these lender programs as the direct lenders and fund managers that work with Rainstar Capital Group, at times change their underwriting criteria and their loan matrices. To the best of it's ability, Rainstar Capital Group updates these lender profiles based on info provided by the lenders. By applying for any program, the client acknowledges that the programs, interest rates, LTV's, etc. are subject to change based upon the lender's underwriting criteria.
Lender #1
Lender Description: Small business-oriented firm.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Lines of Credit
Loan Sizes: $20,000 to $5M
Required Credit Scores: None
Required Revenues: Minimum
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6.9%
Other Information: Funding is as little as 1 day!
Lender #2
Lender Description: An asset-based lender providing revolving lines of credit for short term business needs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Revolving Line of Credit
Loan Sizes: 250K to 5M
Required Credit Scores: 600+
Required Revenues: Minimum
Restricted Industries: Healthcare (insurance related) Construction Progress Billing Unperformed Work Legal Services
Min to Max Rates: 7.99% to 18.99%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #3
Lender Description: An alternative to traditional bank financing, factoring receivables allows businesses to leverage unpaid accounts receivables to generate cash on hand quickly and easily. It is not a loan or line of credit, so you’ll never have to worry about added debt.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Revolving Line of Credit
Loan Sizes: 250K to 8M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 7.99% to 18.99%
Other Information: Services all industries, including OIL & GAS!
Lender #4
Lender Description: Provides working capital solutions through a team of dedicated professionals.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Line of Credit
Loan Sizes: 250K-5M
Required Credit Scores: 550
Required Revenues: 1M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 5-12%
Other Information: Industries include, tower, manufacturing, and many others.
Lender #5
Lender Description: Saves you time and money by speeding up your cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: US/Canada
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 20K-5M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Serves staffing, service, freight, manufacturing, and MANY other industries.
Lender #6
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 250K to 5M
Required Credit Scores: 550 or higher
Required Revenues: Minimum 500K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #7
Lender Description: Many factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 250K to 20M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 5M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #8
Lender Description: Proud to provide creative funding services that allow you to effectively run and grow your business while we handle speeding up your cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Lines of Credit, Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $100K to $10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 1M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Is an international provider of factoring services for small to medium sized businesses in a wide range of industries, funding for independent factoring companies, and risk management solutions for contractors.
Lender #9
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $1M to $20M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #10
Lender Description: Offers many factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: North America
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $250K to $5M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 1M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: A middle market private equity firm focused on investing in well-established business services, consumer, industrials, healthcare, specialty distribution and transportation/logistics companies.
Lender #11
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes:$100K to $10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 1M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #12
Lender Description: A factoring company specializing in the transportation industry.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 100K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #13
Lender Description: Offers factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 100K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 700K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #14
Lender Description: Has many factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 100K to 20M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 500K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #15
Lender Description: A PO and trade finance company offering the broadest-based purchase order finance solutions in the country.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Line of Credits, Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $50K to $20M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #16
Lender Description: Specialists in serving our clients’ needs. Factoring, Purchase Order Finance, Lines of Credit, Merchant Cash Advance (Refinance), and core marketing services.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Purchase Order Finance, Lines of Credit, Merchant Cash Advance
Loan Sizes: $2.5M Max
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 5M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #17
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Line of Credit, Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $100K to $10MM
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 300K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #18
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $10K to $3M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #19
Lender Description: Factoring Programs.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Line of Credit, Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 1M
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #20
Lender Description: A multifaceted company that provides a complete suite of financial services, logistics and back office support to our customers and partners.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 50K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #21
Lender Description: One of the nation's largest and oldest independent receivable finance companies.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Accounts Receivable Line of Credit
Loan Sizes: 50K to 2M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 50K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Specializes in providing receivable financing to US-based companies that have trade receivables due from federal, state, local government agencies or large, creditworthy businesses.
Lender #22
Lender Description: A private finance company focused on accelerating client cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #23
Lender Description: A private finance company focused on accelerating client cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #24
Lender Description: A private finance seeking to help clients.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 7-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #25
Lender Description: A private finance company focused on accelerating client cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: Up to $3M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #26
Lender Description: A private finance company focused on accelerating client cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: $50K to $1M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 6-19%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.
Lender #27
Lender Description: A private finance company focused on accelerating client cash flow.
Geographic lending areas: Nationwide
Loan Products: Various Factoring Programs
Loan Sizes: 50K to 10M
Required Credit Scores: 550+
Required Revenues: Minimum 100K
Restricted Industries: None
Min to Max Rates: 5-20%
Other Information: Broad range of options, a flexible company.